Yaantra Retreat, Uttarkashi You can feel mindfulness and peace in the lap of river BHAGIRATHI (GANGA). Our property gives you serenity and tranquillity with a blanket of luxury. Book Now Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Your Name *Numbers *Email *Your Message *MessageSEND MESSAGE CAMP NIRVANA Camp NirvanaReservation Office303, 85-A, Corporate Tower Zamrudpur, Greater Kailash-1 New Delhi – 110048Contact: + 91-9599222705/06/09Email: info@nirvanacamp.comURL: www.nirvanacamp.com LINKS HomeAbout usActivitiesCamp ListGalleryContact FOR RESERVATION Please email/call us for any query/booking.Contact: + 91-9599222705/06/09Customer Service:campnirvana@hotmail.comReturns and Refunds:nirvanacamp@gmail.com